RPG section

Project details

Active players: 11 / 137
Postings: 8 täglich / 76 wöchentlich
Implementation: Website, text-based, character images
Offer: Character presentation, text-based roleplay, messaging system
Topic: RPG, fantasy, sci-fi, vampires, magic, etc.
Language: German and English


The RPG section offers two services: Character presentations and rp games.

Use the char presentation to show your characters online. No matter it's for your forum RP, a pen & paper group or just to present your game character and add some background story or information.

You can start playing out of the box when visiting the RP section. We're offering a forum-like but much improved playing system which has been specifically developed for roleplayers.

Achtung: Aus technischen Gründen wurde mittlerweile ein neuer Rollenspiel-Bereich entwickelt, der Alte wird aber aufgrund seiner Beliebtheit weiterhin angeboten. Gespielt werden kann in beiden, jedoch sind nicht alle Funktionen überall vorhanden.
